She got another day at home that little girl. She was not feeling good at all this morning - wouldn't eat, wouldn't play, just sit on mama's lap. I finally got some food in her and she got a bit better later in the day, but quite fuzzy and tired still, some due to lack of sleep last night as the fever bothered her quite much.
I am happy to stay home with my girl, but I always feel bad phoning work telling them i cannot come to do my duty. I teach subjects that aren't easy for subsitute teachers to do so my program normally is put on a hold until next time a show up... Luckily Amilie has not been sick much this fall, only once before, so I have not been away from my teaching that much.
John has been doing his safety course which has been quite demanding. It also starts really early so he has to get up at six every morning - he doesn't like it. And his body doesn't like it - he has been really worn out these days and tonight he seems to be catching whatever Amilie has been sick with. It will not be good for him to swim and dive in the 38 degrees Fahrenheit (4 grader celcius) ocean tomorrow. But i guess he has to do it to complete his course... Pray he won't get neumonia!
Here are some recent pictures. She has been having a cold with a runny nose for a long time, sometimes i clean up every minute time, sometimes not.... She really hates to have her face washed and nose blown so that makes me even lazier... But most of the time she is nice and clean.
She loves building with her blocks.
She is so patient and presise, just like her parents. :)
When the work is complete she always cheers herself!
After some good building projects it is good to relax in front of the TV.