Monday, December 15, 2008

Hot weather in San Antonio Texas

Our first stop in Texas was Chris' house in San Antonio Texas. Fortunate for Amilie he has some nieces so there was some toys lying around for Amilie to play with. He had actually bought some extra for Amilie.

She liked this dog a lot and it also made a good companion for bedtime.

It was not so warm when we arrived in Texas, but during the next day it warmed up and we went outside to enjoy the nice weather. Here Chris and Amilie in Chris' yard.
Chris and John met at the race track so of course John had to put Amilie in one of Chris' race cars.
It was getting warmer and warmer so Amilie found a fun place to play in the shadow. I didn't really understand what she was playing in untill the night came and the neighbour put air into the plastic - it was one of his Christmas decorations, a globe with snowmen inside. Hope she didn't destroy anything.... Seemed to work fine the next night at least...

John enjoyed being in his short sleeves and shorts again. Amilie always like to play with him.

It got warmer and warmer and I had forgotten I had put woollen underwear on Amilie that morning because the house was quite cold after some days of cold weather. Poor Amilie got fussier and fussier till I realized it was probably because she was so warm...

It surely helped her mood to take some clothes of.

... and even more... Chris said she shouldn't eat the berries, she did anyways - at least had a taste...

We enjoyed the afternoon downtown at a Mexican eat out.

"This is REAL Tex-Mex!", John says.

Mom and Amilie enjoyed it too.

Amilie also enjoyed walking around in the garden of palm trees.

Summer in the middle of winter, yes please! :)

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